The overview on the territory of Fizi-Itombwe or country of Babembe Very briefly, the territory of Fizi (Babembe’s territory) provides the following two major realities:
- A huge potential for geo-economic interest
- An area with socio-historical impressive
Fizi is located in the East of the Democratic Republic of Congo, South Kivu province in the African continent, the Central African region of the Great Lakes Countries. This area includes the range between:

  • *North, the boundaries extend from the middle of the escarpments of LUHANGA from inside the waters of the Lake Tanganyika to the east and west by the extension means and high plateaus of Mount Mitumba (ax - alumya-sasira-Bisembe) until Kitutu (in Mwenga)

  • *to the East,the maximum extent of Lake Tanganyika with Burundi, Tanzania and the Province of Katanga in Kalemie

  • *south of Talam (boundary with the near Kalemie Katanga) to the west through the loss of Mitumba to Kayumba Lambokilela-Kihungwe-up limits with Salamabila (Maniema)
    to Kitutu

  • *West (northwest) through the forest M'nwema (Itula-axis Kanenge-Nzigu) to Kama (Maniema-limits Shabunda).

    In terms of size, Fizi territory covers a total of 41,745 km ² (34,700 part Fizi and 7045 km ² part Itombwe), bigger to Rwanda twice (24.950km ²), one and a half Burundi (27.830km ², even larger than Belgium (33.100km ²).

    The climate is extremely varied. In the north-west (the medium and high plateau), Fizi has a temperate climate and cold. South-east, near the West lotoral Lake Tanganyika, the climate is hot and humid.

    This territory is bathed by many rivers, the most important are Ilile to west, south Luama the Mtambala the Sangya the Ngove and Ambaùlù (near I'amba-Atùta) north-east . It rains regularly in the media and the highlands of Fizi. The green ground Fizi is eternal green.
    The territory of Fizi administratively sharing borders with the territory of Uvira in the north, the territory of Mwenga and Shabunda in the West, the territory of Kalemie (Katanga) to South and East Fizi is bordered by Lake Tanganyika beyond the peninsula of Ubwari.

    Fizi includes five rural communities, 27 groupings, 142 locations and 1.634 villages.

the five communities are:
- Community of Itombwe, capital Epùpù
- Community of Lùlenge, capital Ayumba
- Community of Ngandja, capital Lùbondja
- Community of Mtambala, capital Baraka
- Community of Tanganyika capital Mboko

The community of Itombwe covers the whole party going up Minembwe, Kitutu-Bisembe (North-west direction).
The community of Lùlenge the limit of Makùngù up Kihùngwe (South West).

The community of Ngandja, Malindi (boundary-is far within the waters of the peninsula Ubwari) to Lùlimba (south east)
 The community of Mutambala is a limit of up Lweba Atanga (direction Center-East).

The community of Tanganyika is Luhanga I'amba-up Lweba (North East).

As its can be seen in order of size, community of Lùlenge is the largest with an area of 16.205km ² holds the head of the list, followed by community of Ngandja with 9800km ², then the community of Itombwe with 7045km ² then the community of Tanganyika with 5900km ² and that of M'tambala taking the tail of the series with 2795km ².

Thus Fizi that is broad in its south-west from the loss of Mount Mitumba (Bwala-Alambelembe-to Lulenge Highlands (Minembwe-Kitutu) or 80.22%. The north-south mountain Mitumba to the boundary waters, Fizi represents only 19.78% of the area (between Tanganyika and Mtambala).

Although Babembe population is estimated around 1.5 million inhabitants (986,000) throughout the national territory, Fizi it is not populated by only 405.255 inhabitants with a density of 9.68 inhabitants per km ². This population decrease is explained by one factor: the many cases of reported armed struggles in the territory since the attempts of slavery and the slave trade by the Arabs to this day. The population itself is distributed very differently. According to statistics available, the concentration of population of Fizi demographic respects the following limits:
- The community of Tanganyika: 307,886 inhabitants. Trends in concentrations between Sangya-Mboko and Iléla: 8810 inhabitants. Between-Lweba Lusenda and atùngùlù: 48,506. Between Abùmbe-Swima and M'neme (M'munga): 4802 Population: between Lusùtù-Abala and Elùmbe-Néhéle: 23866: between Pemba and Bangwe-As'eci-lamba-Atùta: 16,962 inhabitants. And finally Akuku-Lwenge and Lutabùla-M'nembwe: 5920 inhabitants.
The community of Ngandja: 7550 inhabitants. Trends of concentration area: between Talam and Dine: 28,786 inhabitants (along the edges of coastal bluffs of Lake Tanganyika) between Mlongwe / Akembe-Asee-Sebele and Nemba: 12342: between Malindi-Fizi-Lùongo Bwala and 8956 inhabitants between Lùbondja-Lulemba and Makùngù: 8345, and finally Eonde and Kazimia: 5121 inhabitants.
The community of Mtambala: 68.234 inhabitants, trends in concentrations between Baraka and Alùndja: 39.830 inhabitants between Banyalinga and Atanga: 22,033 inhabitants, and between Afùlo and Alele 6.371 inhabitants.
The community of Itombwe: 55,693 inhabitants. Trends in concentrations between Kipupu-Milenge and Kibalti: 23,627 inhabitants, between Tubangwa-Tulamwe and Bilalombili between 16,987 and Miky-Kitutu Itula and 15,079 inhabitants
The community of Lulenge 19,892 inhabitants Lùlenge. Trends in concentrations between Ayumba and Busangano: 10,219 inhabitants and between Bibizi and Kihungwe 9.673 habitants.

Under this demographic of Fizi, one comes up with two smaller communities which are those with extremely high density. This is the community of Tanganika with 31.16 persons per km ² and the community of Mtambala with 15.65 persons per km ². In other words, the community of Lùlenge which is on the demographic least populated, it contrasts with its larger area, the enormous potential agro-pastoral and its subsoil wealth. The community of Mtambala to his credit with a high density remains the poorest in wealth agricultural and rich in resources of the subsoil.

The potential that the territory of Fizi abounds in agricultural resources are scandalous. Here are the trends in agriculture:
Agricultural products for industrial applications: the cotton of high quality is cultivated throughout the territory of Fizi, especially in the Lùlenge, Sebele Akomba-and the entire community of Tanganyika. Arabica coffee is grown high in the amba-Atuta, a swim-Ake at Mkweci-Mboko in Esùnda at Andale Lubumba-to-LWAm Embee and throughout Lùlenge (south-west of Fizi. Robusta fits better in every way and the highlands of Fizi. cinchona content three times higher than Mount Bukavu is cultivated in the Lùlenge and the trays Fizi. The oil palm is cultivated throughout the territory of Fizi especially Bisembe, Itula, Kitutu, Makùngù, Semba, Swema and Mboko. It was also reported that coconut, rubber, cocoa and many other industrial products are grown in Fizi and crops are potentially appalling.
Food: maize has no season throughout Fizi (in the medium and high plateau as in the plain). The rice scandal in Lùlenge and the average plateau. the beans are grown all over the Lùlenge the lake and in the media and on the highlands. Sorghum and hops grown everywhere in Fizi. Peanuts are cultivated mainly Lùlenge at Sebele, Asee and in all ways Fizi trays. Bananas (all grades) provide tremendous crops Fizi everywhere, especially Eonde, Atanga-Baraka, Kenya-Mboko, Ake-lùlenge and across the middle and the high plateau of Fizi. Cassava has no seasons in the territory of Fizi, it grows everywhere, especially in Mboko, Baraka, and Kazimia Bwala-Fizi.
Fruit Products: all the qualities grow and lead to very good harvests throughout the territory of Fizi especially in Wangùlùbe, angule, sembe and Néhéle
Aromatic products: all aromatic flowers are cultivated throughout Fizi, especially Lùlenge in stale and Ananda.
Vegetables: onions are Atùta scandal, Bibekye, Eonde and angule. Carrots and cabbage are cultivated in Bibekye to tired to Lùsùkù and angule. Many other vegetables are cultivated in Fizi, the amount of arable land is 83.66% according to a following pattern.

Talam Lùlenge up-M'tama-'wanyange-Lambokilela is 23.47%. The average plateau (Bwala-Fizi-Ananda, Mkela, stale, 'wamlema, Lùsùkù, Ngulube-Abala,' wamlema, lùsùkù, Angula, Néhélé and Elùmbe) or 18.02%. The highlands of Itombwe (Kitutu, Itula, Kanenge, Bisembe, Epùpù, M'enge, Ebata, Tubangwa and Bilalombili) or 17.12%.
The Aboke-Mboko (Lweba, Lusenda, Nundu-sangya, Kabumbe-Ake-SWIM and lamba-Atùta) soit16, 05%. The Ngandja and the peninsula of Ubwari Talam is up 06%. And in the Mtambala is 03%.
Although the most fertile lands are located Bisembe-Kitutu, lulenge-Lambokilela and stale-Elumbe must specify that all territory of Fizi soil is generally rich and allows the renewal of the culture without the need for chemical fertilizers. It is no exaggeration to say that:
Fizi is an agricultural paradise.
The possibilities that agro-pastoral vegetation in Fizi are offered by qualified experts very fabulous. Indeed, if one can be raised in its animal diversity, the territory of Fizi is in:
Cattle (steers or cattle): Fizi cover an average 69% of green pasture Lulenge from the Highlands, the loss of Mitumba Mountains, up to Ngandja, Moba (Vyura). As for the potential of a modern industrial farming, Fizi abounds in the huge expanses able to make the livestock sector very industrial and modern. Farmers find in the territory of Fizi spaces or large areas (concessions farmed) can contain facilities such as barns, dipping-tanc, stock fodder and planting of forage grasses. The system of family or domestic livestock is an experience that has all the chances to succeed in the territory of Fizi.
Ovine (sheep and goats shops): This farming is practiced throughout the territory of Fizi, there is great potential especially in the media plateaus and the slopes of the mountains Mitumba on the coast of Lake Tanganyika.
Breeding poultry’s Fizi in full and huge potential in this territory. Also because 68% of grazing Kivu (North Kivu, South Kivu and Maniema), 29% are located in the territory of Fizi.

Fizi land to water fisheries.
Indeed, as noted, the territory of Fizi enjoys a large part of the waters of Lake Tanganyika is 175km long and 95 km wide lake (from Luhanga Atuta-to-Wimba Talam). The varieties of aquatic species are very impressive. If its already through artisanal fishing, Fizi made his reputation in Ndakala and Mikéké, what will happen when the techniques of industrial fishing practices will be on these space-fishing in Fizi. It is also worth noting that all the rivers are full of Fizi countless varieties of fish, such that from north to south and from east to west, the daily diet of the population included Fizi necessarily fish. The Fish of Fizi sold in all neighboring territories and even exported to other provinces in the country including Kasai, Bandundu, North Kivu, Haut Congo and Kinshasa. There is a strong demand for lake Fizi across borders mainly Congolese in Zambia, South Africa, Gabon, Rwanda, Uganda and Belgium. Varieties such as in our language, Kowe and Mmbanga sot among the fish that have long attracted the Belgian colonizer residing in the territory of Fizi.

The geological map of Fizi many surprises in its groundwater. In 1906, studies have shown that previously fizi had only
gold, Tin and Tantalum. In 1920, just after the first war, other studies in this area has shown that Fizi, in addition to these three minerals mentioned above, was also in tremendous amount of cadmium, rhenium and tungsten. It was not until the studies of 1947 (made by the Belgian colonists) and 1981 (very recent research, conducted by experts of the EEC) to reveal that the territory of Fizi mineral mentioned below are best. :

Gold in Kitutu, Itula, Bisembe, Mikenge, Miky, Minembwe,

Asakwa, Néhélé, Angula, Ngulube-Abala, Mlema, stale,

Semba, M'kela, Bwala, Lùbondja, Hona, Yungu, Talam,

Embee and Missi -Lulimba.
the oil-Mwanjalulu Alamba, Kazimia and on the peninsula

of Ubwari
Cement to Talam south, mongemonge, (extension of the vein

of Kabimba-cimental)
The diamond to Sele Yungu near Ebamba near Kazimia
Rhenium in the Misisi and Lubondja
Tantatum Misisi, Lubundja, Minembwe, Mkela, Kitutu and

Cadmium in Kitutu, Itula, Miki, miệng, Minembwe and Bwala
Tin in the Misisi, Lubundja, M'kela, stale, Kitutu

, Kipupu, Miky and Itula
Tungsten to Kitutu, Itula, Miky, Mikenge, Kipupu, stale-

M'kela and Minembwe
Coal Talam, Yungu, Ebamba Ubwari and Dine (seam Kabimba

Iron Misisi, Lubondja, Yungu and Hona
Bauxite at Kitutu, múky and Abala
The Platinum, at Misisi, Lubundja, stale, M’lema, and

M'kela Abala
Money to Misisi, Makingu, Bwala, Sembe and Kitutu
Antimony in the Lubundja, Misisi, Mkela, Semb and Kitutu
. Niobium Ngandja towards the border with Kabambare
Wolfram north Fizi.

18. Coltant in all territory of fizi

with further research exploration, it is possible that the list is growing day per day, because the geological of Fizi is obviously of the post-Precambrian downpours, rich in groundwater, resources high. Everything geological scandal Fizi is unfortunately so far below its operations, except for some tests craft practiced in disparate locations. 

Among the potential areas of the Congo forest, Fizi holds a special place. Because this territory alone has 8 forests including: Forest of M'nwema (Kanenge), forest of Hewa Bora (between Busangano-Bibikye and Ayumba / Ntama in the community of Lulenge), Forest of Mienge ( high plateau near Epupu, park national perspective); Forest of Abembwe (between Lwenge and Nundu), the forest of Mkubwa Tembo (between Kabumbe and Ake-Lusambo), the forest of Elambi Ngaba-Elengué (between Swima and Lamba-Atuta), Forest of Mtupeke-Ebukala (between Lubundja and Lulimba and Sombwe forest (which covers the entire peninsula of Ubwari). The amount of wood are varieties.

Besides wood, we should mention the very impressive value Medicinal that contain trees, bark or roots of these forests. The particularity of forests Fizi is also the presence of trees fetishes in charge of all forces that exceed the conventional scientific trials. We find these trees in the forest mệnga, Mnwema and Lulenge (Hewa Bora). Unfortunately,
it still regrets a glaring under-exploitation of this wealth Forestry of Fizi so we need your support and partnership to explore those forests.
    Fizi is a tourist territory it is seen in its natural wonders: flora and aquatic species, in its historical and cultural sites of attraction, ancient historical objects and the physical presentation: the lake and its beaches, islands and the peninsula, the mountains and the hills very attractive as well as the rapids and falls.

In its wildlife, the territory of Fizi account under the law of 1932 three reserves animal. This is the Mikenge reserve, reserve-LWAMA and reserve Elombwe. Mikenge reserve contains a wide variety of animals including elephants, buffalo, rhino and especially chimpanzees. In that of LWAMA-Elembwe, there are hippos, crocodiles, buffaloes and elephants especially dwarfs, with several varieties of reptiles and insects come to rich medical value. Reserve Elombwe tourism is a particularly special in that it contains a double attraction: Lake to papyrus "of eternal green and lake birds' plumage to the very varied and very impressive.

The flora of a kingdom brimming Fizi plant very interesting, especially with regard to plant species rich in medicinal value. The cultivation of flowers and plants art is an economic activity that would bring the currency if it is practiced in a modern way, because the metabolism of photosynthetic flora suggests that the flowers would be grown the same bio-chemical conditions.

Aquatic species contain a variety of world famous as confirmed by studies undertaken by Japanese researchers under the supervision of the Sub regional Office of IRSAC / Uvira in the waters of Fizi in Pemba / Munene to Lweba at Sombwe and Dine-axis Yungu. According to this research the lake to its edges litoral web hosting facts aquatic species highly prized for breeding aquarium bowls in all the high places (the royal palaces, presidential residences, hotels and houses exhibitions of scientific, cultural and tourist ) worldwide. By their tourism contemplation of physical and morphological species may attract the curiosity of many travelers. It's true that some aquatic species Fizi contain medical substances to the treatment of very difficult diseases.

The traditional art objects and historical Fizi is also a tourist place and a reality that continue to amaze. Travelers may find in fact that fizi is another haven of relaxation and memories. Fizi offer a benefit that allows tourist hatching of its economy, its cultural and linguistic capabilities.
Please join us to make it a better place for all mean visitors and citizen.
To address the history of Fizi volumes suitable. In this work, the ambition is far from doing so. It will show you the history of Fizi in a very exciting, attractive and very brief. Speaking briefly about the history of Fizi which is important to consider:

- The human experience
- Its socio-political experience
- Its administrative experience

The Human history of Fizi has its roots in the mists of time. At the time of training for families, clans, tribes and nations, Fizi was inhabited by a people named Mbembe, the history teaches that the ancestor of this people is the son of celebrated MMBONDO MMKUTE, brother of the ancestor of LEGA (Warega). Having recognized in time and space, MBembe has developed its own language. This language is called Ebembe, acquired this language, he developed a way of life with its essentially spiritual beliefs: belief in one " ABACA PONGU, ABECA-Ikùlù Mwene, ABECA Mwene Mlango, ABECA Mwene Batu, ABECA M'Ese Mbumba n'Ikùlù (God Omnipotent, Omnipresent God, Knowing God, God who created man, heaven, earth and the universe). This belief in God is a spiritual acquired very crucial in the practice of some customs in Bembe: the Bembe leak never late, bury it with the respect required the dead. The M'Bembe circumcises their children and the female is never excision and ablation. The fact M'Bembe worship and offer sacrifices symbolic. It respects the value of human being and supports anyone who despise human values (especially that of respect for the elderly, disabled and children). He does not hesitate to defend and oppose the attempts of domination and slavery.

Over time, these practices have acquired such reference, the scale of values to which all M'Bembe identified. Transmitted from one generation to another. These values have taken the quality of a culture typically Ebembe.

Socio-cultural and linguistic of M'Bembe people. M'Bembe socially organized at the level of the small family (father, mother and children), the family is the basic unit of the nation Mbembe. Here the father is the only children), the family is the basic unit of the nation Mbembe. Here the father is the sole head of the family.

The family form M'Bembe to the extended family (father, mother, children, brothers, sisters, half-cousins, half-father, half-mothers, uncles and aunts) here, the grandfather has the final word. The next level is the clan head with their clan leader.
Identify several clans in the tribe. According to the links of family lines close within the tribe Ebembe organized the Bwami (royalty-based family lines).

On the administrative side, the territory of Fizi is administered from the village level, with a capita in mind. Several villages form the town headed by a chief place. The next level itself based on family ties is the group headed by a traditional chief. The community led by a head of community is the entity that, together with others constitutes the territory or area, with an administrator of the territory in mind.

The people MBemba is highly organized of the family at the top. The organization based on hereditary monarchy is not the business model of taste M'Bembe.
Remaining faithful to its culture, people Mbembe is a fundamentally peaceful and that does self-defence. He hates the contempt and disgust to provocation. He knows how to defend and fight ended when the last of their graves. But when there is another trying to conquer the war among the people always scopes that require the instigators and perpetrators to seek the signing of treaties of peace.

The history of the war in the people of Fizi informed in their experience, the M'Bembe experienced many periods of harsh wars. The most important are the wars that opposed:
- The Arabs to the early 18th century in the practice of trafficking the blacks. The end of that war, known as the 'Strength of Baraka "(from the Arabic word bark'a given to the city gate of the headquarters of the community of Mtambala), resulted in record low of deportees of the tribe of Babembe Zanzibar, and even West Asia. The survivors were finally settled in Kibondo, one of the administrative districts of the province Kigoma in Tanzanian (Kibondo name being derived from the ancient name of any M'Bemba, the Mbondo.
- The coalition to baholoholo Luba (old people of Kalemie), late 18th century to occupy the entire west coast of the Lake Tanganyika and the south west of Fizi. The end of the war led to the withdrawal of all nationals baholoholo throughout the territory of Fizi, following the defeat of baholoholo the Mbembe kept in its proverbs, the words speak of a certain deformation of the head: "wa m'cwe ete m'holoholo (Pointed head similar to Muholoholo).
-the Babuyu seeking early 19th century to occupy the community of Lulenge and Ngandja. The Babuyu have come up with a peace treaty and were ordered not to leave the conflict in the community west of Lulenge. It was rare for a deep mubuyu among families of Babembe without changing his identity and is comparable to previously Babembe

- the Germany in mid-19th century, driven by the desire to extend their hegemony over both shores of Lake Tanganyika, have their faces blurred efforts the dynamic control of the military almost hereditary Babembe. The end of the war (known in the Babembe of war against "Aluma" deformation of Germany) had the effect, the search for the German space hegemonistic, far Fizi territories to the North West (to Bush). Several other epics, Babembe with war are often reported when they had to win the war against "Babingya" Ngilima or Chindja-chindja "and Bazoba.

The case of the revolt Mulele creates a sensation throughout the Congolese territory when invaded by the teachings of the nationalist movement, Mubembe has kept its substance and resist against the power of Mubutu during the autocratic and dictatorial rule of Mobutu. This reinforces the theory that history hates Babembe vehemently dictatorial political system and violates the fundamental human rights.

To finish this work the CENTER FOR EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF FIZI (CEDEF)is very glad to announce an offer to donors and investors to become involved in sustainable development of our territory by working in conjunction or partnership with our organization. also you are required to distribute this document to other investors and donors who wish to work with the people of Fizi by exploiting the resources we have been given with God.
For further information please contact our office in the following address.
Email: @
Physical Address: MOMA-BARAKA FIZI - DRC
Person to contact: Pst Mulamba Placide Kituta



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